New Zealand Trails

5-21 day, all-inclusive, guided adventure tours

Search Results

  • World Heritage - 6 November 2018

    Our first World Heritage got our season off to a flying start! Denise, Ross, Jay, Sue, Atia, Jodi, Nancy, Nicole, Mo, Terisha got a showcase of the South Island's most sublime spots! Vaughan and Kendra gave them an insight into a true Kiwi trip! Can you find their special mode...

  • Sweet North - 6 November 2018

    The Sweet North swung back into action with the fab Mary Lou, Jan and Art being shown the delights of the North Island by Julia. Can you find the Maori feast? Just thinking about it makes us hungry!

  • Our Neighbours Need Your Help…

    You may have heard the devastating news about our Aussie neighbours. They are currently experiencing the worst bushfires in Australian history. We have been receiving questions about how this has impacted New Zealand. Firstly, let us clarify that the bushfire smoke will not have any impact on your trip. There have been some...

  • Top 10 Tips to Keep You Safe on the Trails

    New Zealand and adventure are somewhat synonymous with one another. Our country is rapidly becoming one of the top-rated hiking destinations in the world and for good reason. However, with the influx of travellers coming to hike/tramp our trails, it’s easy to become complacent about safety out in the backcountry....

  • Kiwi Classic - 5 November 2018

    Our Kiwi Classic trip kicked off the 18/19 season with our amazing cohort Bernard, Regine, Lorrie, Jonathan, Jerry, Amanda and Joe seeing the unmissable sights of the South Island with our top guides Shona and Rach! Can you find the pair of penguins?

  • Masterpiece - 29 October 2018

    Check out our second Masterpiece of 2018/2019! Our dynamic duo Kim and Hayley took the two Steves, the two Sharons and a singular Tania on a trip around some of the South Island's stellar spots. Can ewe find their day on a working farm? 

  • Fiordland National Park

    Fiordland National Park is the largest and most famous of the New Zealand National Parks. It is one of few places left in the world where you can find vast untouched wild spaces, with  1.25 million hectares (3 million acres) of protected natural wonderland. Here you’ll find some of the...

  • Sweet North - 23 October 2018

    The Sweet North's first foray of the season began with the lovely Lois and Tania being shown the delights of the North Island by our fantastic guide Shona. Can you find the gorgeous Maori carvings?

  • 10 South Island Secrets

    What is it about New Zealand? It’s been described as a scenic fairytale, a challenge on the senses and a place of magic. Indeed, it seems to evoke feelings of excitement, mystery and wonder to all that visit. There’s certainly a reason why the country draws so many visitors day-after-day....

  • Masterpiece - 15 October 2018

    Our 2018/19 season is underway! Alison, Steven, Gail, John and Maren had an amazing trip around the South Island with our fantastic Kiwi born and bred guides Kyle and Jasmine! They saw heaps of stunning scenery and wildlife - can you spot the Kea who looks like it's just rolled...