New Zealand Trails

5-21 day, all-inclusive, guided adventure tours

Search Results

  • World Heritage - 8 January 2019

    Paul, Jill, Anne, Louise, Philip, Anna, Nancy and Spencer joined our guides Rob and Kendra on our first World Heritage of the year! They visited lots of awesome locations including Mou Waho island and the Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park. 

  • Hiking New Zealand Guide

    All you need to know about hiking in New Zealand New Zealand Trails super-guide Miki explains everything you need to know about New Zealand travel. She has some great tips on New Zealand hiking like the best time of year for hiking, our favourite day hikes and multi-day adventures. ...

  • Masterpiece - 7 January 2019

    On our first Masterpiece trip of 2019, Jim, Rich, Kathy, John, Carole, Mary, Sarah, Janet, Joanne joined our guides Sam and Megan on an adventure around the South Island. They hiked in several National Parks including Fiordland and Mount Aspiring National Parks. Cycling and kayaking were also on the agenda...

  • Short South - 6 January 2019

    Tom and Beth took Glynn, Marcia and Lynne on a brilliant tour around the South Island. They took in heaps of sights including Milford Sound, Mount Aspiring National Park and much much more! Keep your eyes peeled for one of the world's smallest dolphins... Cheers for joining us guys!

  • New Zealand Mountains

    Stomping ground of legendary explorers and source of inspiration for countless artists, poets and storytellers, New Zealand’s vast peaks and snow-capped pinnacles typify a landscape of extremes. Rising sharply from the earth and sea, the New Zealand mountains run like a majestic backbone down the country, their rugged beauty never...

  • Sweet North - 1 January 2019

    Jill, Ed, Colleen, Paul, Govinda, Colin, Paul, Jim, Michael, Bridget and Tracy joined our super-guides Shona and Jasmine on our first Sweet North trip of 2019! Ngā mihi o te Tau Hou!

  • Kiwi Classic - 31 December 2018

    Our super-guides Vaughan and Kim took the Nastashas, Kip, Gigi, Clarke, Barbara, Dianna, Danielle, Evelyn and Larry on a Kiwi Classic adventure! Can you spot the flying local?!

  • New Zealand Wildlife | Our Top 14 NZ Animals

    An introduction to New Zealand wildlife New Zealand is home to so many species that are found nowhere else on earth! We think that’s pretty awesome and want to share our love of these creatures with the rest of the world. Our endemic critters come in all shapes and sizes, from...

  • 12 Best New Zealand Day Hikes

    New Zealand day hikes are one of our favourite aspects of the beautiful place we call home! Whether you want to explore our enticing coastline or go deep into our National Parks, there’s a walk for you! Delving into the hiking on offer on New Zealand’s South Island is an...

  • World Heritage - 31 December 2018

    Our awesome guide Andrew took Connie, Hans, Roberta and Martin saw some of the highlights of the South Island on our latest World Heritage trip. Check out their time in Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, where they saw all 3,724 metres (12000+ feet) of New Zealand's highest mountain!