New Zealand Trails

5-21 day, all-inclusive, guided adventure tours

Search Results

  • Kepler Track Weather Guide For Hikers

    The Kepler Track, located in Fiordland National Park, is open year round, and is particularly popular in Great Walks season from late October to April 30. It takes on a new beauty outside of the peak season, so it’s a great motivation to become a fit, experienced and well-equipped tramper, as you’ll...

  • Sweet North - 21 November 2017

    Our first Sweet North of the season got under way with glorious sunshine and a great group under the experienced guidance of Shona and Jasmine. It's only 5 days, but boy, they sure managed to pack a lot in!

  • World Heritage - 13 November 2017

    Bob, Irene, Ursela and Wendy headed off on their trip of a lifetime with Josh and had some absolutely stunning weather by the looks of it. Sunshine, fine dining, clear water, helicopter flights and world-famous walking tracks. If these images don't make you jealous – nothing will!

  • The Routeburn Track Weather Guide for Hikers

    The Routeburn Track is a favourite among the New Zealand Great Walks, stretching across Mount Aspiring and Fiordland national parks. It’s open year round and is a stunning walk to peak season (late October to April), however you’ll need some alpine and river crossing skills, if you plan to attempt it...

  • World Heritage - 7 November 2017

    Kyle and Kristy took this lucky group on the perfect spring World Heritage trip. Look at the gorgeous weather they struck! We hope you had a great trip guys.

  • Milford Track Weather Guide for Hikers

    Milford Track, dubbed the ‘finest walk in the world’ by poet Blanche Baughan, is one of New Zealand’s Great Walks, located in Fiordland National Park. The uber-popular track takes you from Te Anau Downs to the glorious Milford Sound and often books out months in advance for Great Walks season (October...

  • Masterpiece - 30 October 2017

    Our first Masterpiece trip for the 2017-2018 season got off to a great start with super-guides Shona and Emily taking the helm. Blessed with gorgeous spring weather these guys got to do so much in their 2 weeks.

  • Lake Waikaremoana Track

    When the smell of the earth fills your lungs, when droplets of water gently fall from native leaves, when treetops chatter with birdsong, and mist crawls through the valleys, it’s easy to feel like the forest around you is a living being. Te Urewera, the 2127 sq km (821 sq mil)...

  • World Heritage - 30 October 2017

  • Heaphy Track Weather Guide for Hikers

    The Heaphy Track is the longest of the 10 Great Walks of New Zealand, located in the stunning Kahurangi National Park. It’s a glorious 78.4km (48.7 miles) masterpiece of coastal views, nīkau palm groves, tussock downs, and beech forest. At one end of the track, as sunshine filters through towering nīkau palms,...