Payment Failure
Oops - something went wrong there!
There seems to have been an issue with your payment.
There is probably a simple reason your payment declined - we see this sometimes when people make overseas transactions on their cards. It’s usually because even though you have plenty of funds available, some banks are nervous about charges from outside of your home country. The best thing to do is to contact your card issuer and just let them know you would like to make a payment with us. They should then be able to open a security window for us to put the transaction through.
Another reason this may have happened is that we only take Visa and Mastercard (not Amex or Discovery card) so if you haven’t used one of these, you can pop your details in again now.
We look forward to meeting you!
PS: We’re usually off hiking or cycling at the weekends, so if it’s a weekend it might take us a day or two to reply. Otherwise we’re pretty quick :-).