Super-guides Ryan and Jess team up with Charlie, Eileen, Deepak, Shalini, Jo, Keith, Jo-anne, Shelly, Michelle, Marleen, and Tejay for their Grand Explorer trip!
VIEW FULL TRIP ALBUM5-21 day, all-inclusive, guided adventure tours
They say a picture is worth a thousand words so welcome to our ever-expanding library of trip galleries! Feel free to have a browse around and click on any image to go through to the complete album from a single departure. Every one of these trip albums is the real deal, featuring real guests and real scenery from the last 12 years of New Zealand Trails trips. They’re all supplied by our guides and guests – regular folks, not pros, usually taken on a phone – so they should give you a good feel for what to expect on our various trips at different times of the year.
Check back throughout the season, or like our Facebook page to see more albums hot off the press.