Why New Zealand Trails?
New Zealand is such a cool place, there’s no bad way to see it. We do admit to being biased Kiwis, but we've all spent lots of time overseas, so we know what we're talking about (it has to be said though, hiking up California's Eastern Sierras or down to the Grand Canyon, scuba diving in Truk Lagoon, mountaineering in Peru...yeah, there's a lot of cool things to do in the world. But you'll love New Zealand and our people). Yes, New Zealand is gorgeous. It's also small enough that you can see plenty in a short time. On a guided, small group adventure with us, you'll know you've enjoyed the best of New Zealand. Not just the iconic spots like Milford Sound, Mt Cook, Queenstown, and so on, but incredibly beautiful, little known places like Okarito, Akaroa and Glenorchy - and also met regular kiwis, enjoyed cultural legends like Matahi Whakataka-Brightwell, Te Papa, and so on.
Made in New Zealand
What sets us apart from other travel companies is our singular focus on showing you our backyard the way only locals can, with our Kiwi hospitality. Since we’re not distracted running trips in lots of other countries, and certainly not with trying to be the biggest travel company in the world, we can really focus on curating your New Zealand experience. You benefit from our extensive local knowledge and the key relationships we’ve built over time with the best suppliers. Our guides and travel specialists are Kiwis who are passionate ambassadors for New Zealand and give you their personal recommendations from the heart.
Not Too Big, Not Too Small
There are pros and cons to travelling by yourself versus in a group (we’ve been there too!), so we’ve carefully restricted our group sizes, so you get the best of both worlds. With an average group size of about 10 and a maximum of 14 on all our trips, two experienced guides can provide plenty of flexibility and options to suit each member of the group. We only invite Kiwis to guide for us, not 'cos we're xenophobes, but because we've found that people who've grown up in New Zealand have a depth of experience that is difficult to recreate in people from other countries, no matter how well intentioned. Enjoy the camaraderie and social buzz of connecting with people from all walks of life who, like you, are keen to experience New Zealand in an authentic way.
Less Work, More Fun
Small group adventures make travel fun again. Instead of wasting hours trying to work out how to get places, worrying you’ll miss out on the best things to do once you get there or settling for mediocre restaurants because you’re hungry and tired… you can relax. We’ve got the logistics well sorted. Two guides and an experienced team behind the scenes make travelling with us so effortless you’ll be able to focus all your energy on having the time of your life. But don’t worry introverts, it’s not at the expense of your freedom. We always make sure you also have free time to explore and make the trip your own.
Treat Yourself Well
As the saying goes: you don’t truly know someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. We reckon you don’t really know New Zealand until you’ve walked our trails, pedalled our tracks and paddled our waterways. Moderate exercise, spending time in nature and laughter all have proven health benefits, and we make sure you get a daily dose. After a week or two of regularly moving your body, refuelling with healthy food, having the space to clear your head and swapping stories around the table, you’ll go home stronger and reinvigorated.
Be Bold
Adventure travel is about going out there to find yourself, and the ultimate souvenir from any adventure is your sense of achievement. Especially on our more vigorous trips, with your guides leading the way and the rest of the group cheering you on, you’ll be amazed at what you’re really capable of. You can push yourself a little or a lot, do something you’ve never tried before, and you'll find the view from the ridge after a big hike is something that can't be captured in words. Some of our trips have a gentler feel, with more emphasis on capturing the soul of New Zealand and giving you a chance to slow down and really enjoy the holiday vibe. Whichever trip you choose, you can't lose.
Don't just take our word for it, read the reviews of previous guests on New Zealand Trails trips.